


Our skin is a living, breathing organ that absorbs over 2 kilos per year of chemicals just from our personal care ingredients.  Toxins are endocrine disruptors that can contribute to diabetes, obesity, cardio disease and cancer.  The skin seldom malfunctions on its own and is often in response what is happening inside the body.  For example, clients who have a sluggish digestion present with a congested skin, as the body and gut is also backed up and congested. When our body is sluggish it loses the ability to eliminate the toxic waste, so it gets reabsorbed, bathing the cells in toxic water rather than healthy cellular fluid.  Detoxification is a 3 phase process.  1 and 2 happens in liver and kidneys and phase 3 is in the gut. If the body cant eliminate it needs the skin to help dispense of it.  That’s why it’s often called the third kidney.

Signs of toxin overload           

Toxic overload can cause headaches, chronic pain, brain fog, ADD, ADHD, heart palpitations, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, cancer, bad breath, digestive problems, insomnia, acne, psoriasis, eczema, thyroid issues, autoimmune diseases, muscle weakness and excess weight.

Types of toxins    

There are three group of toxins.

  • Exo toxins which come from our environment such as cleaning agents, soaps, deodorants, food and alcohol, cigarettes, car fumes, radiation, power towers, etc.
  • Endotoxins, the less known toxins are produced from our gut bacteria, molecules formed from liver malfunction, and ammonia which can rise from kidney filtration. This can cause long term stress and trauma to our organs as our body starts to produce more and more endotoxins which it is unable to manage. Stress can affect sleep and release huge amounts of these endotoxins which cause congestion in the liver.  They impact our hormones, our skin and our ability to lose weight.
  • Ingestible toxins– toxins such as salt, alcohol and wheat.

5 areas we need to  eliminate toxins are:

  • Cellular: when a build up of toxins occur it affects the mitochondria which contains the DNA. It generates 90% of cellular energy so is involved in major metabolic functions.  Over time the inability to detoxify creates DNA mutations leading to cancer and autoimmunity.
  • Blood purification– when impurities get into the blood stream, they flow into organs including brain. They damage red blood cells reducing the body's ability to bring oxygen and nutrients to cells. This leads to cardio and neuro health issues.
  • Liver detoxification– liver is the primary organ to deactivate toxins. When the body is too toxic it becomes sluggish and overwhelmed and unable to neutralise materials in blood stream.
  • Bowel/gut– a regular healthy bowel is essential for toxin elimination. We should move bowels 1-2 times per day. If not the intestine becomes a breeding ground for bad bacteria. This causes fermentation creating an enormous amount of endotoxins to be released into the bloodstream which puts pressure on liver.
  • Kidney flushing– kidneys filter and remove toxins through urinary system. They remove urea from body when it’s functioning well. If you don’t drink enough fluid, ammonia becomes elevated which is extremely toxic to the brain. Poor kidney function is a major contributor to blood pressure problems and cardiovascular disease.

 How to detox

Whilst we can’t eliminate all toxins and our exposure to them, we can nourish our bodies to help heal and repair the damage.

  • Exercise 15 mins per day to get blood flowing and the lymphatic system moving. Lymphatic is part of the circulatory system and immune system that carries a clear fluid called lymph towards the heart. Unlike blood, which is pumped through the heart, lymph needs muscle contraction to get it moving and is a highly important part of helping the body remove waste such as bacteria and toxins
  • Skin brush skin towards heart then have warm showers with cold bursts
  • Drink 2-3 litres at the start of the day with a glass of warm water and lemon wedges
  • Green drink-containing barley, wheatgrass and alfalfa which are all high in chlorophyll which purifies blood by binding toxins and bringing oxygen to cells. The greens work as a prebiotic, preparing the way for probiotic.  Our bodies are 90% microbial, meaning our microbes outnumber our our cells by 10 to 1. The green drink will help a good probiotic make it to the small and large intestine where they are needed to kill off bad bacteria which will assist in bowel detoxification
  • Add LSA- (linseed, almond and sunflower meal) – LSA is a rich source of protein, it helps keep your blood sugar levels balanced and curbs sugar cravings. It contains a healthy dose of omega-3 fats to assist heart and brain function, and boosts bone and skin health thanks to its many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, E, D and B, calcium, zinc and magnesium. This mighty seed mix also plays a role in helping to cleanse and detox the liver, regulate cholesterol levels, and eliminate unwanted fat from the body
  • Green tea will detox gut and liver and create an alkaline environment in the body
  • Milk thistle is one of the most powerful liver detoxifiers.  It boosts our major antioxidant, glutathione by 50%. This helps protect against leaky gut, ulcers and colitis.  It also protects the thyroid and the immune system.
  • Selenium- a trace mineral that acts as an antioxidant which plays a key role in detoxification and immune regulation. There are strong links between selenium deficiencies and development of autoimmune conditions
  • Glutathione is a master antioxidant and is critical in detoxification and excretion of mercury. Mercury is highly toxic to the nervous system and contributes to memory loss, dementia and brain fog. It can also contribute to dry hair and skin. Silver teeth filling are primary contributors.  Oxidative stress deletes stores of it, so good diet and antioxidants will provide support.   Some critics say oral glutathione does not survive digestive process, so it needs to be direct, either with intranasal spray or intravenous.  Sprays are available at health food stores.  N-Acetyle Cysteine (NAC) is the precursor to Gluthathione and can help production. With light alcohol consumption glutathione levels are increased however too much alcohol will totally deplete the levels.  One drink per day is enough alcohol.  Research is shown that teetotallers do not live as long so antioxidant benefits in wine may be beneficial.  Best alcohol is fermented red wine (older than 3 years and organic) and beer.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)- is another powerful antioxidant which has both fat and water soluble properties meaning it can go in and out of major organs such as the brain, liver and nerves. It increases glutathione levels indirectly by regenerating antioxidants such as vitamins C, E and Q10.  It protects the mitochondria from oxidative stress and toxicity better than anything else.  Research indicates it maintains insulin levels and strengthens blood vessels.  It protects against leaky gut and assists in detoxifying the liver. It reduces inflammation and balances the immune system in such a way that it reduces autoimmune activity. Take 400-800R once or twice a daily without food.
  • Ashwagandha – general tonic that helps body adapt to stress as it relaxes the mind, rejuvenates the body and increases resistance to stress. It keeps the mind clear and switched on, keeps you feeling calm and grounded and in control.  Will decrease all stress levels therefore lowering cortisol.
  • Avoid all sugar, white bread, cake and biscuits. If you must have sweet, have cacao to satisfy sugar craving as the dying bacteria in your gut are screaming to be fed.  Add cacao to milk, soy or almond milk.
  • Avoid chemical sunscreens that contain Xenoestrogens which create hormonal imbalances.
  • Add Lecithin to your diet. It is a very potent antioxidant that reinforces the nervous system and lowers cholesterol. This supplement is also helpful in treating gallbladder diseases, sunburns, skin irritations, bipolar disorder, liver diseases, eczema, dementia, dry skin, anxiety, fatty liver disease.  Lethicin also increases the production of semen, maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system, good skin and hair condition, memory improvement, efficient metabolism of fat, effective cell communication, and facilitation of weight loss.

Play around with some of the below superfoods to make your own healthy and tasty protein balls.

  • Lecithin
  • LSA
  • Dried Cranberries, Gogi berries, blueberries, apricots, apple or pear
  • Chopped medjol dates
  • Almond meal
  • Cacao bits
  • Pecans, cashews, almonds
  • Chai seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Turmeric
  • Grated orange rind
  • Cacao spread, honey, peanut butter or date syrup to bind the dry ingredients and roll in coconut.
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