Introducing Exosomes to Dermal

Introducing Exosomes to Dermal

Introducing Exosomes to Dermal

 We have been promising something new and exciting was coming to Dermal and finally, after extensive research and many webinars over the past month,  we are ready to introduce the amazing technology of Exosomes.  We have taken a long time with this as there are so many products on the market and we wanted to ensure safety first, efficacy and that our products are ethically sound.

 What are Exosomes?

 Exosomes are a reasonably new discovery (1980s) and have emerged from the medical field in the space of wound healing, regeneration and tissue repair and have now entered the aesthetic space in a large way in only the last two or so years.  

 All living cells, including plants, have exosomes which are extra cellular vesicles that act as communicators between stem cells to other cells as well as carriers of essential proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. They are recognised easily by the cell and supply an instruction along with the guide book and tools to follow the instruction.

 What can Exosomes do?

 In short they will trick old cells into behaving like new cells. This means the younger exosomes actually communicate with the cells to tell older damaged cells how to behave! Amazing!

That means a more youthful appearance, better skin barrier, laxity, texture and reduced inflammation.  Our present limitations with needling or rejuvenation procedures are that an older 70 yr old skin which for example, has lost 50% collagen, may not hear the messages sent by needling just on its own, to create more collagen, but exosomes are making sure the message is received.

 What makes Exosomes different from Stem Cell or PRP?

 PRP is produced by using a patient’s own blood and is therefore dependant on the quality of the client.  Exosomes are externally sourced so do not have the same limitations of patient quality. It uses one type of blood cell (platelets) and growth factors to accelerate cellular healing of damage muscles and joints and skin.

 Stem Cell therapy

Stem cell contain DNA so there are ethical dilemmas as well as facing similar quality issues as PRP.  Cells also contain markers so cannot easily transfer from cell to cell. At present stem cells used in skin care are plant based and therefore not considered to be biologically available to human skin cells but can be considered great antioxidants.


As mentioned above exosomes are communicators and carriers but unlike stem cells they do not carry DNA so are not gene therapy. They can be derived from plant, animal, marine and human mesenchymal cells sourced from amniotic fluid, umbilical cord, bone marrow, adipose tissue and human skin!  Although the latter, ‘human derived versions’ are considered to be more biologically available, there are emerging ethical dilemmas which may likely see these sources banned soon and have influenced our product range.

 We have selected the following exosome products

 For Skin

DP Dermaceuticals have developed a world first SYNTHETIC Biometically Replicated  exosome from human amniotic fluid. Synthetic means it has the same biological profile as the youngest cell but without ethical DNA or contamination issues.  Amniotic fluid also contains up to 400% more exosomes than other human sources and is the only stem cell that can become anything.  The older the cell, the more duplications, and therefore more deterioration of the exosome, so using synthesised 12 week old amniotic fluid just makes sense to us.

 For Hair

E50 bu Austramedex use salmon cells which share up to a 90% human DNA.  The ‘files’ that are not needed are removed and using advanced ultrasound technology, other customised media including is infused which are specific to hair growth.

 Vaginal Rejuvenation solution (at home)

Uses Stem Cells from Bone Marrow (does not contain DNA however we may change source as new products come to market), Hyaluronic Acid, KGF peptide similar to estrogen, KGF2 and VEGF to reduce inflammation and promote epithelial growth. This is an at home treatment that is used every 3 days for first 5 applications and then 6 days until results are seen.

 DP Dermaceuticals also offer a topical Exosome serum to support the treatment process. Topical on its own can be beneficial as the exosomes are small enough to trickle between cells however needling is much more direct and powerful.


It takes 5 litres of culture just to make 5mls.  So this is currently NOT a cheap treatment.

Intro offer for face needling a single treatment will be  $449 (we are absorbing the majority of the serum cost)

 We will have two face needling package offers:

3 sessions $1347 and receive the serum at wholesale price $199 (save $200)

5 sessions $2245 and receive the serum free (save $400)

 Scalp and vaginal prices on enquiry









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